Sunday, February 28, 2010

An interview with Xin man

Now , I am going to record a interview between me, the journalist and Xin man, my primary school classmate. I am interviewing him through facebook.
Me: Have you read the stories" Lamb to the slaughter "and"The way up to heaven"?
Xin man: Yes. i found them quite interesting.
Me: So , in your own opinion, do you think Patrick , in Lamb to the slaughter, deserves to die?
Xin man : I don't think so. Although Patrick might have done something unfaithful or wrong to his wife, his wife do not have the rights to kill him. No one has the right to end another person's life!
Me: Then do you think in "The way up to heaven", Mrs Foster caused her husband to die intentionally? In another words, do you think Mrs Foster caused her husband's death?
Xin man : Yes. Mrs Foster killed her husband indirectly.
Me: What do you think is the main problem happening between this two couples?
Xin man :Deception. Mr Maloney(Patrick) betrayed Mary and turned his back towards her, out of anger, Mary killed her husband. While in the other story, its a different statement. The problem between this couple is.......,eh, it is not mentioned but we can actually conclude that Mr Foster actually did not want his wife to be happy. And in the end , indirectly caused his own death.
Me: So how do you think couples can maintain a so called healthy relationship?
Xin man : I think they should go out regularly and think for each other so that they can maintain this you called healthy relationship.
Me:Then do you think Mary deserves a punishment in court?
Xin man: Yes. After all , she killed someone!
Me:What about Mrs Foster?
Xin man: Same goes to her. Although she did not really "killed" her husband.
Me: So do you think Mary and Mrs Foster would feel guilty for they had done?
Xin man: For Mary , maybe yes.But for Mrs Foster, NO!
Me: Why?
Xin man: Mary killed her husband in a state of rash while Mrs Foster "killed" her husband without any feelings.
Me: Ok . Thank you for sharing the time with me.
Xin man: Don't mention it.


  1. Nice and creative way of expressing opinions. I think that this is different from the standard and boring way of writing down your thoughts. By writing it down this way, it would attract readers to read your post! Good job!
