Sunday, January 23, 2011

comic script

My comic script is acctually based on the cartoon spongebob squarpants. As we all know, spongebob is a sponge and then one day, he grew hair! ( this might sound boring) His friends began discriminating him and left him alone. Then spongebob found Patrick the starfish and told everything to him.

I used a red colour background to make the stript look more exciting and I also creatd an effect that Patrick is very positive and on the other hand, Spongebob is negative and his look.


  1. Hi Zi Han, your comic strip was entertaining. However, there looks like there is a gap between Patrick's question and Spongebob's reply. You would need to find a way to show that the other people are prejudiced or discriminating against Spongebob that would support Spongebob's explanation. Otherwise, it would be complete!

  2. I don't quite get your comic. The comic did not show Spongebob being discriminated, and also, the spongebob at the first picture did not have hair. without the explanation, i would not get what you meant, and now that there was an explanation, i am even more lost. Negative parts over, now lets hear the positive part. The characters at least remain the same, and the background for all 3 pictures or whatever you call it are very much linked, making the plot more believable, and not with people teleporting here and there.

  3. For me, I get what you are trying to put across here. But I don't really get how a red background can make the comic more exciting, maybe I just don't see the link here. Anyway, I also feel that you can try to make the quality of your comics better so as to allow the readers to read your comic with much more ease. After all, you do not want your readers to squint at your comics and try to read them. But all in all, this is a good effort made!
    Jack Tan 2O307

  4. I do get the point you are putting across but its like some sub-titles are missing. Some more boxes would have made it more interesting.
