Thursday, August 18, 2011

week 6 blog post

The fault does NOT entirely lies within the news media, although I agree it is partially. Most of the arrows actually points to the puplic who actually encouraged the news media into doing so.
In this phone hacking scandal, although it was the news media, in this case , the news of the world who went to the extreme and hacked into phones of family members of victims of accidents, they were doing it due to the number of people reading such "interesting" reports written from the information they have gotten from phone-hacking.
Phone hacking is one of the obvious examples of going into the extreme, there are other cases when the news media actually sneaked into celebrities' houses and report about their home. These acts are invading others privacy. The public should have reacted sooner instead waiting until they realised that civilians are the victims too. if they have reacted faster, perhaps the media would have learnt their lessons earlier and lesser people would be involved in this scandal.
They obvious reason why the media hacked into phones was to hunt for valueable and interesting informations that could help in increasing its readers and earn more. the civilians should change their mind set of only celebrities are worth watching or reading and perhaps these paparazzi actions would decrease .
The fault lies within the news media, but not totally. civilians are at fault too.


  1. Hey Zihan, The fault lies within the news media, but not totally. civilians and the GOVERNMENT are at fault too. This is because the chose not to enforce the law strictly on the news media, allowing them to continue with their ways which is see that they are in the wrong too by not setting down proper rules and regulations

  2. Hi ZiHan, I agree that the fault does not lie entirely within the news media. In terms of technicality, it may be easier for users to read if you can categorise your thoughts into distinctive paragraphs though. I feel that you have successfully discussed the issue in relation to the topic. However, your discussion seems to revolve around phone hacking. Perhaps you could try and elaborate by giving other factors that may influence the unhealthy paparazzi culture and the news media going to the extremes for sensational news. (Refer to Yu Xiang's points). Good job! :D
    -Liang Hao
